Summer can be a frustrating time for high school debaters. Tournaments are scarce and classes are out of session, leaving you with the nagging feeling that your skills might be slipping. But fear not! Here are some tips to stay sharp and maintain your debate practice rhythm over the summer …
So, you want to dominate your next debate competition? While researching facts and crafting strong arguments is crucial, successful debaters also hone their delivery and thinking skills. The good news? You can level up your game from the comfort of your own home with these 5 solo debate drills: Shadow …
Competitive debate is an intellectual sport that perfectly embodies the principles of deliberate practice, making it an ideal field for rapid skill development. Anders Ericsson defines deliberate practice as a structured and focused method of skill enhancement characterised by being goal-oriented, having expert instruction, and immediate feedback. Debate also fits …
Anders Ericsson, a Swedish psychologist born in 1947, revolutionized our understanding of human expertise. His research showed that deliberate practice, rather than innate talent, is key to achieving high performance. In his influential 1993 paper, The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance, Ericsson argued that what …
As the Year of the Dragon rolls in, the VDA team is happy to reflect upon a successful previous year – but also anticipate a prosperous new year. But as we gear up for this new zodiac year, what makes the year of the dragon so incredibly special? Represented by …
Intrinsic motivation is crucial for students’ effective learning and personal growth. Unlike extrinsic motivation, where students are driven by external rewards of a task such as grades or praise, intrinsic motivation arises from within students – fueled by an inherent interest or enjoyment in a particular subject itself, this internal …
This holiday season, Vancouver Debate Academy is taking a meaningful step towards community support with our Winter Food Drive. As part of our commitment to not only educate but also make a real world impact, we are channeling our energy and resources into a cause that touches the lives of …
As an educator I have dedicated my career to empowering young minds. I believe in nurturing debaters who are not just skilled in rhetoric but are also well-rounded, informed individuals capable of shaping their FUTURE. As the Director of Vancouver Debate Academy (VDA), I’ve identified a crucial gap in debate …
In the realm of competitive debate, where eloquence meets intellect, the journey to success is often paved with relentless dedication, unwavering perseverance, and a hunger for growth. Within the vibrant tapestry of Bangladesh's national debate team, three remarkable coaches have etched their names in the chronicles of the country's debating …
If there’s anything you should know about Mike, it’s that he is truly an individual that cannot be summed up in one word, or three words, or even a sentence. His life journey has been an unconventional one, ranging from adventures in the field of screenplay, a love for art …
???? Meet Benjamin Hagwood: A Debate Luminary Earlier this year, the Vancouver Debate Academy had the privilege of welcoming our new director, Benjamin Hagwood! As the new term kicks off, we are more than excited to share a bit more about him. Benjamin Hagwood is not just any debate coach; …
Public Speaking Tips Tips for Tournament TravelBe prepared for international tournament travel with these five tips. by Stormee Massey on 9/16/2022 If you have spent your entire debate career online thus far, you may be asking yourself: How different is this going to be? What do I bring? What should …