2021 SFU World Schools Tournament

This tournament adopts impromptu debate. After the motion is being released, debaters only have 30 minutes to prepare their arguments.
Unlike other debate formats, in World Schools debate, each team has 3-5 players, so this 30-minute preparation time not only exercises students’ knowledge storage and rapid response ability, but also tests teamwork.
Congratulations to our students Max Chen, William He, Sarah Li, and Andy Yu, who not only finished as Novice Champions but also ranked 5th in the Open division!
VDA Honor
Novice Champion Max Chen & William He & Sarah Li & Andy Yu Novice 5th Place Rosie Wu & Adam Han & Claire Zhong & Nishesh Jain Open 6th Place Rina Song & Joseph Mai Novice 14th Place Bonnie Li & Annie Zhao & Aaliyah Cabiles & Sophie Yang Novice 14th Place Nathan Yan & Aelle Gong Novice 15th Place Sophie Zhao