Weighing Mechanism

General Definition: The standards by which a judge evaluates the impacts of a debate, including explicit means of comparison like magnitude/scope, probability/likelihood, or timeframe. See also “Impact Weighing“.

  • Public Forum: In PF, students may explicitly or implicitly state their weighing mechanisms, including magnitude/scope, probability/likelihood, and timeframe.
  • World Schools Debate: In WSD, explicitly stating weighing mechanisms is not common; however, impacts will typically address issues of “scope“, “severity“, and “likelihood“, using language like “this impact is less likely than…”.
  • British Parliamentary: In BP, explicitly stating weighing mechanisms is not common; however, impacts will typically address issues of “scope“, “severity“, and “likelihood“, using language like “this impact is less likely than…”.
  • Canadian National Debate Format: In CNDF, explicitly stating weighing mechanisms is not common; however, impacts will typically address issues of “scope“, “severity“, and “likelihood“, using language like “this impact is less likely than…”.