2021 UBC Summer High School Tournament

2021 UBC Summer High School Tournament Finalist Semifinalist

An amazing showing from all VDA teams at the annual UBC Summer High School Tournament. This year’s UBC Summers boasted teams from all across Canada due to the current online status of debate. Debaters discussed a variety of motions ranging from celebrity involvement in politics to genetically modified soldiers.

Congratulations to all of our Finalist and Semifinalist teams!

VDA Honor

JuniorFinalist Xiaobo Zeng & Ken Wu
JuniorSemifinalist Jeanette Pan & Bonnie Li
SeniorSemifinalist Aiden Han & Will Wu
SeniorSemifinalist Sunny Poon & Henry Yue

Personal Honor

Junior5th Place Speaker Jeanette Pan
Junior7th Place Speaker Aiden Han
Junior8th Place Speaker Xiaobo Zeng
Junior9th Place Speaker Bonnie Li
