Dasnoor Kaur
I enjoy debate because it allows me to enhance my knowledge about issues affecting the world and to explore different viewpoints regarding how best to address them. We look at topics ranging from fiction to climate change and are pushed to think about the issue with a critical mindset. Through debate, we learn meaningful skills such as public speaking, doing research, distinguishing reliable sources from unreliable ones, and coming up with arguments on the spot. However, we gain all these skills and build up all this knowledge often without realizing it. Debate may require hard work, but it's not stressful like writing an exam, and when you hold that trophy in your hands, you realize just how far you've come and how much it all paid off.


2022 Harvard
  • Double Octofinalists ( Junior Varsity )
  • 2022 Palm classic Tournament
  • Octofinalists ( Junior Varsity )
  • 2021 Georgetown University Spring Tournament
  • Octofinalists ( Junior Varsity )
  • 2021 Harvard National Forensics Tournament
  • 4th Place Speake ( Novice )
  • Quarterfinalists ( Novice )
  • 2020 Princeton Classic
  • Triple Octofinalists ( Junior Varsity )
  • 2020 Yale Invitational Tournament
  • 22nd Place Speake ( Junior Varsity )
  • Double Octofinalists ( Junior Varsity )
  • 2020 University of Kentucky NSDA Season Opener
  • Double Octofinalists ( Junior Varsity )
  • 2020 Georgetown University Summer Tournament
  • Semifinalists ( Open )