2023 Brown Invitational

Over the weekend, Vancouver Debate Academy’s presence was powerfully felt at the Brown University Invitational. Our debaters engaged in the rigorous discourse on “Student Loan Forgiveness,” and their hard work paid off in a big way.

A round of applause for Justine Tioco, Angela Zheng, Eva Zhou, and Laura Zou who topped the speaker awards at their very first Public Forum tournament. These remarkable achievements underline the effectiveness of our training system, where skill progression is not just a goal but an expectation.

Teamwork made the dream work with Justine Tioco and Eva Zhou ending the tournament on an undefeated streak, securing the championship title, while Laura Zou, Angela Zheng, Luella, and Cecilia consistently outperformed to place third and fourth.

Our Varsity teams also shone brightly with VDA DZ (Victor & Alina) taking a proud second place, VDA JL (Vivian & Sally) reaching the quarterfinals, and VDA WZ (Audrey & Sophie) showcasing their strength as octofinalists.

Special thanks to our dedicated coaches Stormee Massey, Todd Pengelly and Jackie Massey, whose unwavering commitment to mentorship helps our students not only in honing their competitive edge but also in achieving their personal best.

This weekend was a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines VDA — where every challenge is an opportunity, and progression is the path we walk together.


VDA Honor

HS NoviceChampion Justine Tioco & Eva Zhou
HS NoviceFinalist Angela Zheng & Laura Zou
HS OpenFinalist Alina Dow & Victor Zhang
HS NoviceSemifinalist Luella Zhang & Ceclia Liu
HS OpenQuarterfinalist Vivian Lang & Sally Jin
HS OpenOctofinalist Audrey Wei & Sophie Zhao

Personal Honor

HS Novice1st Place Speaker Justine Tioco
HS Novice2nd Place Speaker Angela Zheng
HS Novice3rd Place Speaker Eva Zhou
HS Novice4th Place Speaker Laura Zou