2021 NSDA Nationals

NSDA Nationals is one of the most competitive tournaments of the year with 6,000 high school and middle school debaters attending every year. Nationals has been held in different cities since 1931 but due to the pandemic this year, the tournament was held online.
To qualify for NSDA Nationals, students go through district qualifier tournament first. Both HS teams ranked #1 and #2 in the district qualifier, and qualified for NSDA Nationals going onto break into the elimination rounds.
The middle school debaters did the solo pro-con case challenge with just as much success. Grace Wu placed 1st for the second year in a row at the district qualifiers going onto place Top 10 at Nationals.
VDA Honor
Varsity Elim Qualifier Andrew Liu & William Wang Varsity Elim Qualifier Rina Song & Joseph Mai Personal Honor
MS Open Top 10 Grace Wu