
General Definition: Creating clear distinctions between arguments, speeches, or sides of the debate.

  • Public Forum: Not commonly used in PF, although arguments should have clear and unique distinctions.
  • World Schools Debate: In WSD, differentiation is key for avoiding repetition between the summary and reply speeches. For example, if a Summary speaker takes the 3 Point Crystallization approach, the Reply speech should avoid taking the 2 Main Themes approach because that is likely to create some overlap. Instead, the Summary and Reply speakers should take opposite approaches that compliment each other. 
  • British Parliamentary: In BP, differentiation is about making sure that you, as a back half speaker, are creating new argumentation that provides a unique spin to the clash so far without knifing the same side in the front half. See also “knifing“. 
  • Canadian National Debate Format: Not commonly used in CNDF, although arguments should have clear and unique distinctions.