
General Definition: The first speech in a debate round, used to build a case. New arguments in a debate are also referred to as “constructive material” regardless of the speech where they appear.

  • Public Forum: In PF, the constructive speeches are four minutes long and typically consist of two “Contentions” each.
  • World Schools Debate: In WSD, an eight minute speech where debaters present their first two “Substantives” for their side. First opposition will also offer refutation to the proposition case, although the majority of the speech should be dedicated to developing the opposition case.
  • British Parliamentary: In BP, this is the first speech from each team. OG and OO should present at least their first two arguments in this speech, and optionally present a third argument in the DPM and DLO speeches. The extension speakers for both back half teams should spend the vast majority of their speeches developing their one new constructive argument. 
  • Canadian National Debate Format: In CNDF, the first speaker is primarily responsible for constructive material, although second speakers often provide a new constructive argument of their own.