Exciting News: Welcoming Benjamin Hagwood as Director of Vancouver Debate Academy!

???? Meet Benjamin Hagwood: A Debate Luminary

Earlier this year, the Vancouver Debate Academy had the privilege of welcoming our new director, Benjamin Hagwood! As the new term kicks off, we are more than excited to share a bit more about him. 

Benjamin Hagwood is not just any debate coach; he’s a true luminary in the world of competitive debating. With a career spanning over a decade and a half, Benjamin has honed his skills in research, argumentation prep, and strategy development, with a particular focus on social issues, policy analysis, and philosophy. But beyond all of this, Benjamin’s ability to craft compelling arguments, his eloquent delivery, and his strategic prowess make him a true asset to our team.

???? A Champion-Maker

Benjamin’s track record speaks volumes about his capabilities. He has guided numerous debate teams to victory at prestigious tournaments, including Wake Forest, Harvard, and Stanford. His dedication to the art of debate has consistently led his students to claim championships, proving that he is not just a coach but a mentor who brings out the best in his students.

???? A Passion for Mentorship and Community Building

Benjamin Hagwood’s involvement in the debate community goes beyond coaching. He has mentored aspiring debaters, judged debates, and organized events, all driven by his passion for fostering critical thinking and advocacy skills in students. His commitment to nurturing the next generation of debaters aligns perfectly with the values of Vancouver Debate Academy.

With Benjamin as our Director, we are confident that Vancouver Debate Academy will continue to thrive as a hub for debate excellence and a platform for students to cultivate their intellectual and persuasive abilities.

???? Connect with Benjamin Hagwood

Please join us in welcoming Benjamin Hagwood to Vancouver Debate Academy. You can connect with him on LinkedIn to stay updated with the latest insights, strategies, and opportunities in the world of debate.

We are excited about the future and look forward to achieving new heights of success under Benjamin’s leadership. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and stay tuned for more exciting updates!