Building Bridges: How Debate Fosters Understanding Across Difference

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you were someone else? Or what it would be like to live somewhere else? How would you see the world? Would you have the same opinions? The same beliefs? Though our world is such a diverse and vast place, some people can live their entire lives in one place without ever seeing the world from another perspective- literally and figuratively. However, though there may be varying circumstances in life that can constrain us in our ability to explore the world, debate is a unique activity that can bring the world to you

Topics for Teaching

Regardless of the format of debate you choose, each style offers unique topics that can lead to in-depth understanding of complex concepts. In World Schools Debate, you could receive an impromptu  topic that has you consider the moral implications of gentrification or a prepared topic that focuses on the pragmatic harms of carbon taxation. In Public Forum, you might be tasked with debating about border surveillance technology or the benefits of Turkey’s position in NATO. Debate topics can be simple or complex, but each one is designed to make you consider an issue in-depth. Each topic is an onion with layers waiting to be peeled back. And each layer peeled leads to a more in-depth understanding of why the topic exists, while also giving you the confidence to formulate your own opinions about complex issues. 

Switch-Side Solutions

“Switch-side” in debate means looking at a topic from both sides– pro and con. Even if you are on one side, you should consider the other side when preparing. What is their best argument? Even if you end up on the side you want, what is your opponent going to say? During the debate, you have to respond to your opponent, which requires you to listen and understand their perspective. If you end up being assigned the side you don’t agree with before the debate even begins, this can be an even better opportunity to gain an understanding of other perspectives. Regardless of how you may feel about the topic you are debating, every format requires that you engage with a different perspective. 

Diverse Dialogue

Outside of the unique topics and perspectives, debate can introduce you to diverse people. Debate is an intellectual activity that attracts people from different backgrounds and cultures all over the world. At debate tournaments, you can gain opportunities to meet new people with different life experiences and perspectives. Meeting people from diverse backgrounds, and learning how to build relationships with people who are different from you, can help you grow and thrive in our diverse society.

Debate is a unique activity that offers vast opportunities for learning about unique viewpoints and gaining perspective on complex issues. In a world that continues to become increasingly divisive, debate can open up space for understanding and engagement, without devolving into a shouting match.

Written By Coach Stormee